Brownsburg Economic
Development Commission
Brownsburg Development Commission Meetings are live-streamed and archived.
Special Meeting Agenda
Date of Meeting: Thursday, March 01, 2018 4:30 PM
Place of Meeting: Brownsburg Town Hall
61 N. Green Street
Brownsburg, IN 46112
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Minutes

Regular Meeting Minutes - December 13, 2017

5. Old Business

2017-04EDC – Motion to approve referral from Redevelopment Commission (RDC) regarding Economic Development Incentive Policy, Section 3.0, Façade Improvement Grant Program, Sub-Section 3.1 Program Overview.


2017-05EDC – Resolution #2017-03EDC to Request to approve a Real Property Tax Deduction / Abatement (Applicant: Life Science Logistics) for the property located at 1105 East Northfield Drive.

(Tax ID: 014-212611-480001 / State ID: 32-07-12-480-001.000-016)


2017-06EDC – Resolution #2017-04EDC to Request to approve a Personal Property Tax Deduction / Abatement (Applicant: Life Science Logistics) for the property located at 1105 East Northfield Drive.

(Tax ID: 014-0300-0000993 / State ID: 32-014-0300-0000993-016)


2017-08EDC – A Motion to request and approve amendments to the Town of Brownsburg Economic Development Incentive Policy, and create Policy #7 - Business Relocation Assistance Program.

(Councilman Sean Benham)


2017-09EDC – Resolution #2018-01EDC to approve Annual review of Economic Development Incentive Policy for the purpose of amending, updating and modifying the existing policies for compliance with the local economy and State Code regarding incentives and inducements.

6. New Business

2018-01EDC – Resolution #2018-02EDC to request to approve Tenant Lease Assistance Grant (Applicant: Hidea Outboard Motor USA, Inc.) for the property located at 1630 East Northfield Drive, Suite 700 & 800.

(Parcel ID:  32-07-13-250-001.000-016; Tax Bill ID:  014-213611-250001)


2017-07EDC – Resolution #2018-03EDC to request and approve Training / Educational Grant (Applicant: Life Science Logistics) for employees located at 1105 East Northfield Drive.


2018-02EDC – Request to approve Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement of Voluntary Annexation and Economic Development Agreement and Loan Documents (Applicant: Heritage Hill, LLC; Rookwood Custom Builders, LLC; Rolling Hills, LLC; Heritage Project I, LLC; and EBS residential Development Fund, LLC) for the property located at west end of South Northfield Drive.

(Parcel ID:  32-07-27-100-011.000-016; Tax Bill ID:  014-227611-100011)

7. Adjournment
The Town of Brownsburg acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special services (i.e. sign interpretive services, alternative audio/video devices, and amanuenses) for participation in or access to Town sponsored public programs, services, and/or meetings, the Town requests that individuals make requests for these services two business days ahead of the scheduled program, service, and/or meeting. To make arrangements, contact us at 317-858-6033.